
指南者留學 2022-02-28 08:18:23





專業(yè)英文名: MS in Materials Science and Engineering

學   制:2.00 年

學   費:工程技術學




領   域:工程技術學



馬里蘭大學帕克分校如果你對材料科學和工程領域的職業(yè)感興趣,或者在本科水平上還想學習更多有關這一領域的知識,那么材料科學與工程理科碩士就很適合你。美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程包含了在材料科學領域全范圍的高等教育,包括有機物、半導體、制陶業(yè)、金屬及復合材料。二十一世紀的技術革命是以新材料制造的產品為基礎的。以下三門基材料科學與工程理科碩士對學習材料科學與工程理科碩士的學生的發(fā)展起著重要作用,包括處理和合成,結構與性能,執(zhí)行。 美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程的學制為兩年。 If you are interested in a career in Materials Science and Engineering or want to learn more about this exciting field at the graduate level, you have come to the right place! Our Doctoral and Masters degree programs in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE, MatSci) encompasses advanced education in the entire spectrum of the field of materials: organics, semiconductors, ceramics, metals and composites. Materials are everywhere! The technology revolution of the 21st century is based on products made from new materials. There are three basic elements of the field that come to play on the development of the graduate MSE student: Processing and synthesis: This is the key to the question that must be answered. How can I produce this product? Structure and Properties: This is the key to the question of characterizing the materials, and from which to understand the state or condition of the material. Characterizing a material involves the understanding of the ways a materials is configured from atomic to macroscale. These arrangements are correlated with processing and coupled strongly with material properties. Performance: The composite of structure, properties and processing is integrated into how the product performs. The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland offers more than 40 graduate courses in order to assist in the intellectual development of the graduate MSE student. We are continuously improving our course materials in order to keep it relevant and in order to allow the student to make a significant career impact upon graduation.


美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程入學要求: 學術要求:1,大學畢業(yè),獲得學士學位。成績優(yōu)秀,GPA不低于3.0分。 語言要求:雅思總分不低于7.0,托福總分不低于100。雅思聽力、閱讀、寫作不低于7.0,口語不低于6.5。托福聽力、寫作不低于24,口語不低于22,閱讀不低于26。 Application Requirements GRE General required GRE Subject recommended 3 Letters of Recommendation (sent electronically) Transcripts (Originals must be sent to Enrollment Services Operations, Room 0130 Mitchell Building, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742) "Statement of Goals & Research Interests" and "Statement of Experiences". (These can be submitted separately or as a single document.) Evidence of English Proficiency IBT TOEFL Requirements Total 100 Speaking 22 Listening 24 Reading 26 Writing 24 IELTS Requirements Overall 7 Listening 7 Reading 7 Writing 7 Speaking 6.5 Program-Specific Requirement: Publications/Presentations (entered in that section of the application) 美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件/在讀證明; 成績單(在校成績、語言成績); 個人陳述; 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章); 銀行存款證明; 2-3封推薦信。


美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程設置: 高分子物理,高級復合材料設計,高分子分析學,輻射工程,納米技術表征,現(xiàn)代技術陶瓷,電子材料專題,材料科學中的熱力學,高級智能材料,高級電子顯微鏡學等。 ENMA 612: Advanced Fundamentals of Solar Cells (3) ENMA 620: Polymer Physics (3) (Core Course) ENMA 621: Advanced Design of Composite Materials (3) ENMA 622: Polymer Characterization (3) ENMA 624: Radiation Engineering (3) ENMA 625: Advanced Biomaterials (3) ENMA 626: Advanced Physics of Failure Mechanisms in Materials Engineering (3) ENMA 630: Special Problems in Engineering Materials: Advanced Nanosized Materials: Synthesis and Utilization (3) ENMA 640: Advanced Nanoprocessing of Materials with Plasmas (3) ENMA 641: Nanotechnology Characterization (3) ENMA 642: Current Trends in Nanomaterials (3) ENMA 643: Advanced Photonic Materials and Devices (3) ENMA 644: Advanced Ceramics (3) ENMA 645: Advanced Liquid Crystals and Other Monomeric Soft Matter Materials (3) ENMA 650: Nanostructure (Physics) of Engineering Materials (3) (Core Course) ENMA 651: Electronic Structure of Engineering Materials (3) ENMA 659: Special Topics in Electronic Materials (3) ENMA 660: Thermodynamics in Materials Science (3) (Core Course) ENMA 661: Kinetics of Reactions in Materials (3) (Core Course) ENMA 662: Advanced Smart Materials (3) ENMA 669: Special Topics in the Chemical Physics of Materials (3) ENMA 671: Defects in Materials (3) (Core Course) ENMA 680: Experimental Methods in Materials Science (3) ENMA 681: Diffraction Techniques in Materials Science (3) ENMA 682: Advanced Electron Microscopy (3) ENMA 683: Structural Determination Laboratory (1) ENMA 684: Advanced Finite Element Modeling (3) ENMA 685: Advanced Electronic and Optical Materials (3) ENMA 688: Seminar in Materials Science and Engineering (1) ENMA 698: Special Problems in Engineering Materials (1-16) ENMA 698A: Introduction to Computational Materials Science (3)


美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士就業(yè)方向: 通過美國馬里蘭大學帕克分校材料科學與工程理科碩士課程的學習,我們的畢業(yè)生可以從事材料的研發(fā)與設計,危險材料的評估與鑒定、航天航空以及鐵路、道路、橋梁等材料的制造與維護管理。

馬里蘭大學帕克分校 材料科學與工程理科碩士



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