
指南者留學 2022-03-02 08:08:28





專業(yè)英文名: Economics M.A.

學   制:2.00 年

學   費:商業(yè)管理學




領   域:商業(yè)管理學



美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程的學生通過系部批準可以就讀于經濟學博士學位課程,也作為其他研究生學位課程的輔修課程。美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程只提供B計劃(非論文計劃),經濟學文科碩士包括經濟學博士課程中第一年的核心課程,為學生們繼續(xù)攻讀經濟學博士課程和從事需要高水平的經濟學理論和定量分析方法的職業(yè)做準備。 The Master of Arts degree is available to students enrolled in the Ph.D. degree program in Economics or, with departmental approval, as a second degree for students enrolled in other graduate degree programs. Only the Plan B (without thesis) option is available. Course requirements include the first-year core sequence in the Ph.D. program in Economics, which prepares students for continuing in the Ph.D. program or for professional careers that call for high-level training in economic theory and quantitative analysis methods.


美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程入學要求: 學術要求:大學本科畢業(yè),擁有學士學位,GPA不低于3分。 語言要求:雅思總分不低于6分;托??偡植坏陀?0分,單科不低于19分,而寫作不低于22分。 Admission To be admitted, the applicant must submit: a Graduate School application. an official copy of all transcripts. three letters of recommendation. a statement of purpose outlining academic and professional goals. a personal background statement. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. a resume. Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores A minimum score of 80 on the internet-based test, 550 on the paper-based test or 237 on the computer-based test, or passing grade on the MSU English Language Test (MSUELT). Scores must be no older than two years. 美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件; 成績單(在校成績、語言成績); 個人陳述; 銀行存款證明; 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章); 2-3封推薦信; 簡歷


美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程設置: 數學應用經濟學,經濟結構分析,微觀經濟學1,微觀經濟學2,宏觀經濟學1,宏觀經濟學2,經濟計量學IA,經濟計量學IB等。 Requirements for the Master of Arts Degree in Economics Complete all of the following courses (22 credits): EC 811A Mathematical Applications in Economics (2) EC 811B The Structure of Economic Analysis (2) EC 812A Microeconomics I (3) EC 812B Microeconomics II (3) EC 813A Macroeconomics I (3) EC 813B Macroeconomics II (3) EC 820A Econometrics IA (3) EC 820B Econometrics IB (3) Complete three additional Economics courses at the 800-900 level totaling at least 8 credits. Obtain a master's level pass on the written comprehensive examination in microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, and econometrics. Academic Standards To remain in the program and receive the M. A. degree in economics, a student must: Maintain at least a 3.00 grade–point average. Earn a grade of 3.0 or higher in required 800–900 level economics courses. The accumulation of grades below 3.0 (including N grades in the P-N grading system) in more than two courses of 3 or more credits each removes the student from the degree program; this policy does not apply to courses below the 400-level unless the courses are required for the student’s program.


美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士就業(yè)方向: 通過美國密歇根州立大學經濟學文科碩士課程的學習,學生畢業(yè)后可以選擇繼續(xù)進修博士學位課程,也可以進入公共或私營機構任職,如人力資源發(fā)展機構、金融機構、貿易與旅游機構等。

密歇根州立大學 經濟學文科碩士



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