PSU的全稱是Pennsylvania State University的Engineering Design,即賓夕法尼亞州立大學工程設計,下面將詳細介紹PSU的的項目特點/院系介紹、PSU的的研究領域、PSU的的研究生申請要求。
The SEDTAPP Engineering Design Program (EDP) is based on the concept of integrated engineering design: the integration of the ideas, disciplines, people, and resources within engineering and beyond that are necessary to achieve optimal design solutions for products, systems, processes, and services. Strengths of the EDP include design methods, systems design, design for human variability, design cognition (decision making), global design with worldwide partners, innovative design, community engagement, and client-based design project experiences. Faculty in the Engineering Design Program conduct collaborative research in many of these areas and offer courses from the first year to the graduate level.
1、optimization under uncertainty
2、risk mitigation in the early conceptual stages of design
3、design cognition
4、human design performance analysis
5、innovative design, project/systems integration