<p><img src="https://info.compassedu.hk/info_imgUrl_phpaNeSAv.jpg" width="169" height="173" /></p>
<p><strong>生物統(tǒng)計相關(guān)的選校List :</strong></p>
<p>(按usnews 綜排排序,跟專排/申請難度無關(guān))</p>
<p> </p>
<p>★哈佛 MS in Biostatistics<br />★哈佛 Health Data Science<br />★耶魯 MS/MPH in Biostatistics <br />★芝加哥 Master of Science in Precision Health (MsPH) 精準醫(yī)療(有biostats,bioinformatics之類的課,還有ds track,但跟主流的biostats還是不太一樣的)<br />★芝加哥 Master of Public Health with Data science concentration<br />★賓大 MS in Biostatistics (Perelman School of Medicine,size非常小,個位數(shù))<br />★約翰霍普金斯 ScM/MHS in Biostatistics <br />★約翰霍普金斯 AAP Bioinformatics</p>
<p><br />★西北大學 MPH/MS Biostatistics(Feinberg School of Medicine,在芝加哥,不在Evanston)<br />★杜克 Master of Biostatistics<br />★達特茅斯 Master of Science degree in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences(QBE) 定量生物醫(yī)學科學<br />★布朗A.M./S.M. in Biostatistics<br />★范德堡 MS Biostatistics <br />★圣路易斯華盛頓 School of Medicine Master of Science in Biostatistics and Data Science (MSBDS) <br />★圣路易斯華盛頓School of Medicine Master of Science in Biostatistics (MSIBS) <br />★圣路易斯華盛頓 Brown School MPH with Epidemiology/ Biostatistics Specialization</p>
<p><br />★康奈爾 Weill Cornell Medicine MS in Biostatistics and Data Science/MS in Health Informatics<br />★哥倫比亞大學 MS in Biostatistics<br />★哥倫比亞大學 MPH in Biostatistics<br />★加州伯克利 Master’s in Biostatistics (MA)<br />★加州伯克利 Master's in Epidemiology / Biostatistics (MPH)<br />★加州洛杉磯 Master of Science in Biostatistics(academic)<br />★加州洛杉磯 Master of Public Health in Biostatistics (professional)<br />★埃默里 Master of Public Health in Biostatistics (專排強校)<br />★埃默里 Master of Science in Public Health in Biostatistics (專排強校)</p>
<p><br />★喬治城 Master of Science in Biostatistics <br />★卡耐基梅隆 M.S. in Computational Biology MSCB(只能說“相關(guān)”)<br />★卡耐基梅隆 M.S. in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics(MSQBB)<br />★南加州大學 應(yīng)用生物統(tǒng)計和流行病學理學碩士(Master of Science in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology)<br />★南加州大學 MS in Biostatistics<br />★南加州 公共衛(wèi)生數(shù)據(jù)科學理學碩士(Master of Science in Public Health Data Science)<br />★南加州 Master of Public Health with 生物統(tǒng)計和流行病學方向-- STEM<br />★密歇根安娜堡 MS in health data science (23fall新開)<br />★密歇根安娜堡 MS/MPH in biostatistics (專排強校)</p>
<p><br />★紐約大學 MS/MPH in Biostatistics<br />★北卡羅來納教堂山 UNC MS in Biostatistics(專排校)<br />★北卡羅來納教堂山 UNC Gillings School’s Master of Public Health (MPH) with Public Health Data Science concentration <br />★佛羅里達大學 UFL Master of Science in Biostatistics<br />★佛羅里達大學 UFL Master of Public Health with concentration in Biostatistics<br />★塔夫茨 MPH in Epidemiology & Biostatistics<br />★加州圣地亞哥 Master of Science (MS) in Biostatistics<br />★加州歐文 Master of Public Health (MPH) with Biostatistics Emphasis Area</p>
<p><br />★羅切斯特 MS in Biostatistics <br />★加州戴維斯 MS in Biostatistics <br />★威斯康星麥迪遜 Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics MS in Biomedical Data Science<br />★威斯康星麥迪遜 MS Statistics: Biostatistics <br />★波士頓大學 Master of Science in Biostatistics (MSB)<br />★波士頓大學 MS in Applied Biostatistics (MSAB)<br />★波士頓大學 MPH: Epidemiology &Biostatistics<br />★凱斯西儲 Master of Science in Biostatistics</p>
<p><br />★杜蘭大學 MS in Biostatistics <br />★杜蘭大學 MSPH in Biostatistics (杜蘭的公衛(wèi)還是很厲害的)<br />★華盛頓西雅圖 M.S. in Biostatistics(Capstone) <br />★華盛頓西雅圖 M.S. in Biostatistics(Thesis) 生統(tǒng)白月光之一<br />★喬治華盛頓大學 MPH in Biostatistics <br />★喬治華盛頓大學MS health data science<br />★匹茲堡大學 UPitts MS in Biostatistics<br />★明尼蘇達大學雙城分校 UMN MS in Biostatistics (UMN SPH也是USNEWS全美Top10,biostatistics program項目USNEWS排到全美第7.)<br />★明尼蘇達大學雙城分校 UMN MPH in Public Health Data Science<br />★康涅狄格 MS biostatistics <br />其他:得克薩斯大學休斯頓健康科學中心UTHealth Houston MS in Biostatistics</p>